Who knew YouTube cat videos would connect her to friends around the world

Susan Manzke
Wisconsin State Farmer
Susan Manzke's dog, Stella, is backlit by the rising sun as she searches for a rabbit that ran away.

Before I sat down at my computer today, I had to finish my chores. The critters that I feed no longer include chickens. Two winters ago, I re-homed my little flock at ShaBock Farm Bed and Breakfast.

I miss my hens and the eggs they gave me. Still, it didn’t make sense for me to go out to the chicken roost during slippery weather. Even now, I keep my cell phone in my pocket when I go to the mailbox. If I ever fall and I can’t get up, I can call a neighbor to give me a hand.

My late husband, Bob, would feed the cats in the barn every morning. Those hungry felines all came out to meet him. Bob always walked with a five-gallon bucket. In it, he would carry cat food and water. Also, the bucket was useful if he slipped and fell. When that happened, Bob could boost himself up again, bracing against the rim of the bucket. He also liked to have the bucket when getting mail. It was a good way to deposit envelopes so they wouldn’t fly away.

These days, I feed my six barn cats on my front porch. That way I don’t have to worry about slipping and falling. Bob’s five-gallon bucket still comes in handy when I get the mail.

My four house cats get fed first. They demand their food. It’s easier to get them set for their breakfast first. By this time, the outside cats are looking in the kitchen window, reminding me that they are hungry, too.

Stella, my dog, has her food bowl set on the floor, but she doesn’t eat right away. Stella wants to see what I’m having for breakfast first. I often share a bit of my toast with her.

Those who arise at the crack of dawn are rewarded with lovely views of a sunrise. Susan Manzke shared this photo with friends on her Facebook page.

One thing that I do all year long is to take photos of sunrises and sunsets. When Stella and I are out for her morning potty walk, I try to include her in my sunrise shots. My dog doesn’t always cooperate though. If she sniffs a rabbit nearby, Stella is ready to chase it. This means I have to keep a good hold on her leash so she doesn’t take off. Luckily, I’ve been able to capture a few nice shots of her with the sun in the background. My good photos go directly to Facebook.

I’m so happy that I have a computer that I can use to connect to family and friends, often face-to-face. I have also found friends from around the country ‒ even around the world ‒ by posting on YouTube.

Making videos for YouTube started when everyone was locked down for COVID. Back in 2020, when sitting alone at home, I began reading and recording old columns and posting them to YouTube. First, a few friends, who were also locked down, became subscribers and watched my stories.

When I started to record my cats and kittens, other people started to find my videos and follow me. These people are not only from the United States but also from around the world. I’ve had messages from Japan, Korea, Austria, Chili and more.

Even though I’m no longer in lockdown, I continue to make videos to share. Many are short ones of my cats playing. Once in a while, I leave a review of a product. Other videos are of the natural world around me.

I love hearing from YouTube people. Many that I hear from have cats and/or dogs of their own. Some live in cities and appreciate a glimpse of Wisconsin scenery.

It amazes me that I can reach people from around the world. So far, I have 2,177 subscribers.

This little video ( shows what a spring snowstorm looks like in Wisconsin. If you want more, check out my name on

Susan Manzke, Sunnybook Farm, N8646 Miller Rd, Seymour, WI 54165;;;